46137: strawberry man
46137: declan
46137: declan
46137: amanda and her mom necklace (and bb)
46137: staring at the beauty
46137: declan
46137: changing bb
46137: happily multitasking
46137: good friends
46137: elena and declan
46137: snuggle bunny
46137: love those feet!
46137: perfection!
46137: declan
46137: sweet kids!
46137: tiny fingers
46137: dining with the famous Math SL IB Prepared textbook author ;)
46137: cheers
46137: He's awake!!
46137: I see you!
46137: Evan & Declan
46137: evan and declan
46137: mama and bb
46137: declan
46137: those toes!