wireguy: Its just like Bowling
wireguy: First shot of the season
wireguy: Ready for the rebound
wireguy: Shot
wireguy: Control and move
wireguy: Chasing the ball
wireguy: Popping it back into the zone
wireguy: Push off
wireguy: High stops
wireguy: The Throw
wireguy: Moving up
wireguy: Swan pose
wireguy: Another chance
wireguy: Nice corner
wireguy: Over everyone
wireguy: Header goal
wireguy: First goal of the season
wireguy: Arm in arm
wireguy: Dribbling through
wireguy: No hesitation
wireguy: On their heels
wireguy: Cruising forward
wireguy: Eye on the ball
wireguy: Stutter stepping
wireguy: Making space
wireguy: Into the box
wireguy: Precision passing
wireguy: Controlling the middle
wireguy: Moving it forward
wireguy: Air Tris