nz_willowherb: Red Squirrel. Tentsmuir Forest
nz_willowherb: Tentsmuir, winter saltmarsh
nz_willowherb: Cladonia portentosa
nz_willowherb: Low sun, Tentsmuir Forest
nz_willowherb: A touch of afternoon sun following "winter"weather.
nz_willowherb: Saltmarsh when the water table is high
nz_willowherb: A fine winter's day
nz_willowherb: Tentsmuir Forest and clear skies
nz_willowherb: A fine winter's day
nz_willowherb: Effects of waves and strong tides on the sand
nz_willowherb: Effects of waves and strong tides on the sand
nz_willowherb: Dune slacks flooded by high water table
nz_willowherb: Reflections on Tentsmuir Forest path
nz_willowherb: Reflections on Tentsmuir Forest path
nz_willowherb: Reflections on Tentsmuir Forest path
nz_willowherb: Winter skies over Tentsmuir
nz_willowherb: Winter skies over Tentsmuir
nz_willowherb: Greater Spotted Woodpecker
nz_willowherb: Red Squirrel with Young
nz_willowherb: Red Squirrel with Young
nz_willowherb: Badger
nz_willowherb: Creeping Willow Catkins
nz_willowherb: (Sticky Storksbill) More likely to be Sea Storksbill
nz_willowherb: Dryad's Saddle
nz_willowherb: Probably Hypogymnia physodes
nz_willowherb: Birch Polypore
nz_willowherb: Orange lichen on Corsican Pine
nz_willowherb: Cladonia sp. Lichen
nz_willowherb: Usnea sp. Lichen
nz_willowherb: Sand mason worm casts