Wendy X: A giraffe at the dentist with Cheshire Cat and a hyena
Wendy X: Rick James at a spelling bee
Wendy X: Ideal Flight
Wendy X: Not Ideal Flight
Wendy X: Manatee Jerky
Wendy X: Polar Bear in Space
Wendy X: the IDEAS
Wendy X: the Agents
Wendy X: Unicorn baking panda cupcakes
Wendy X: A Bridge to No Where
Wendy X: Snowman Drinking Hot Chocolate
Wendy X: Hipster Zebra
Wendy X: Wendy's Magdelenas Mobile!
Wendy X: It ain't a Barbadillo party without Spencer Reid
Wendy X: Hipster Elephant
Wendy X: Coral + Rabies
Wendy X: Mouse, Wine and Cheese
Wendy X: The Greatest Elephant of all time
Wendy X: The JoJo Chronies
Wendy X: The Beaupre Family
Wendy X: Scotch
Wendy X: Hostage
Wendy X: Banana stand
Wendy X: Sasquatch reciting Hamlet, with a monocle
Wendy X: An Ood with a usual request
Wendy X: Mermaid riding a polar bear
Wendy X: Cat wearing a sweater knitting a sweater with a cat on it
Wendy X: DD TV
Wendy X: Your air pressure is a little high