wee_photo: view on highway
wee_photo: the sky of malaysia
wee_photo: 樓梯旁修單車的男人 a man repair his bike
wee_photo: Red ladder, blue door
wee_photo: an old house
wee_photo: the wind is blowing
wee_photo: Red house
wee_photo: muar three-wheels
wee_photo: disk washer
wee_photo: 綠色小木屋
wee_photo: the very beautiful indian temple, in Muar
wee_photo: 小庭院晾衣服
wee_photo: 斑駁的牆
wee_photo: 走過一片色彩
wee_photo: waiting
wee_photo: 麻坡小巷
wee_photo: smile malaysia