wee_photo: 台灣人
wee_photo: 蹓狗的叔叔 A man walked with his dog
wee_photo: 台大巧遇的婆婆和小孫子
wee_photo: 在公園遇到的祖孫 The grandmother and grandson i met at the park
wee_photo: 自由自在的社會 the free society
wee_photo: 台灣人
wee_photo: 台灣人
wee_photo: 台灣人
wee_photo: 拍攝銀杏葉的伯伯
wee_photo: Buy 1 get 1 Free
wee_photo: a woman and her dog
wee_photo: 玩變形火車的男孩 a kid with his transformable train toy
wee_photo: 我們是朋友 we are friend
wee_photo: WEE_4328
wee_photo: WEE_4329
wee_photo: 我們是家人 we are family
wee_photo: 三重吳先生和他三十年前台南舞獅的獅頭