wee_photo: 路過 連雲街諸小巷
wee_photo: Riding on Hsin-Yi Road, Taipei
wee_photo: 台北公館夜市
wee_photo: 都會的自由傳說 The Legend of Liberty in City
wee_photo: 雨夜等過馬路
wee_photo: 下班的傍晚, 天空飄著雨
wee_photo: 秋天的問候 A call from autumn
wee_photo: 媚力泰-門口
wee_photo: 餵鴿子
wee_photo: 信箱
wee_photo: Test D70 ISO1600 acceptable to me
wee_photo: The Darkest Part of ISO1600
wee_photo: Different types of window
wee_photo: 台大夜市 Night Street Snap Shot
wee_photo: 我要快高長大!
wee_photo: 情侶 a couple
wee_photo: 香火鼎盛
wee_photo: 拜拜
wee_photo: 拿根香拜拜吧~
wee_photo: 快發完了
wee_photo: 問蒼天 Praying
wee_photo: 公館地下道
wee_photo: 熱鬧的地下道
wee_photo: 台大的秋水堂
wee_photo: 台大對面懷恩堂的燈飾
wee_photo: 結構群書局 Bookstore
wee_photo: 台大誠品門口的攤販
wee_photo: 忙碌? 歇會兒來杯茶吧? Busy? Have a cup of tea?
wee_photo: 台北地下街常停電
wee_photo: 呃......該買哪一個呢? hm...Which one to buy?