Warren Snowdon MP: 110805 Minister Warren Snowdon MP talks to RAAF Balloon crewmen, Corporal Chris Causby and Sergeant Terrance "Dingo" Bligh during a visit to the RAAF Balloon display at the Garma Festival
Warren Snowdon MP: 110805 Minister Warren Snowdon MP and Squadron Leader Phil O'Donnell watch as Seth Terpstra (14yrs) fires up the RAAF Balloon Burners during the Garma Festival
Warren Snowdon MP: 110805 The RAAF Balloon crew with Minister Warren Snowdon MP at the Garma Festival
Warren Snowdon MP: 110805 Minister Warren Snowdon MP speaks to RAAF Balloon crewman, Sergeant Pat Feary during a visit to the RAAF Balloon display at the Garma Festival