Warren Snowdon MP:
110308 Minister for Veterans' Affairs Warren Snowdon and Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund President Mr Jan Scruggs at the Lincoln Memorial
Warren Snowdon MP:
110308 Prime Minister Julia Gillard pledges $3m to the Vietnam Veterans Education Centre, with Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund President Mr Jan Scruggs
Warren Snowdon MP:
110308 Minister for Defence Science and Personnel Warren Snowdon with Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC
Warren Snowdon MP:
110308 Minister for Veterans' Affairs Warren Snowdon with Mr Jan Scruggs, founder and president of Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund
Warren Snowdon MP:
110308 Mr Arthur Francis CSC OAM, Mrs Terrie Ross and the Hon Graham Edwards with the Prime Minister and Minister Snowdon in Washington DC to visit the site of the Vietnam Veteran Education Centre