Warphobbler-Kaz: My Bedroom, oh dear...phase 2a
Warphobbler-Kaz: My Bedroom, oh dear...phase 2a
Warphobbler-Kaz: My bedroom, oh dear...phase 1
Warphobbler-Kaz: My Bedroom, oh dear...phase 2b
Warphobbler-Kaz: My Bedroom, oh dear...phase 2c 001
Warphobbler-Kaz: My Bedroom, oh dear...phase 2c 004
Warphobbler-Kaz: My Bedroom, oh dear...phase 3
Warphobbler-Kaz: My Bedroom, oh dear...phase 3
Warphobbler-Kaz: My Bedroom, oh dear...phase 3b
Warphobbler-Kaz: My Bedroom, oh dear...phase 3b
Warphobbler-Kaz: My Bedroom, oh dear...phase 3b
Warphobbler-Kaz: My Bedroom, oh dear...phase 3c
Warphobbler-Kaz: My Bedroom, oh dear...phase 3c
Warphobbler-Kaz: Chiarascuro
Warphobbler-Kaz: My Bedroom, oh dear...phase 3c
Warphobbler-Kaz: My Bedroom, oh...this is where the raiser/recliner chair is going!
Warphobbler-Kaz: My Bedroom, oh...it is ready for the raiser/recliner chair!
Warphobbler-Kaz: The Story of My Life...
Warphobbler-Kaz: Raiser/recliner chair ready walls...
Warphobbler-Kaz: Raiser/recliner chair ready walls...
Warphobbler-Kaz: The Story of My Life Two
Warphobbler-Kaz: My New Sleeping Chair...at last!
Warphobbler-Kaz: Alfie kissing the camera
Warphobbler-Kaz: My New Sleeping Chair Sleeping Mode
Warphobbler-Kaz: My New Sleeping Chair Relaxing Mode
Warphobbler-Kaz: Oooops: Portrait of the Artist Ejected [haha]
Warphobbler-Kaz: That's entertainment...
Warphobbler-Kaz: Guardian Sun
Warphobbler-Kaz: 20,000 years...