VWSPhoto: Deer escaping into fog
VWSPhoto: Turkeys in my backyard
VWSPhoto: Racoon North Tuttle Leave me Alone!!
VWSPhoto: Racoon North Tuttle
VWSPhoto: Doe with Fawn
VWSPhoto: Fawn with Doe
VWSPhoto: Turkeys in the Yard
VWSPhoto: Turkey with chicks in the Yard
VWSPhoto: Greenhorn Eagle
VWSPhoto: Greenhorn Eagles in Tree
VWSPhoto: Guinea Fowl Free Range on SkyLine Drive
VWSPhoto: Turkeys in my backyard
VWSPhoto: Doe with Fawns
VWSPhoto: Female Deer Rutting Season on the Konza
VWSPhoto: Buffalo and two calves in storm on the Maxwell Reserve
VWSPhoto: Buffalo Family in storm on the Maxwell Reserve
VWSPhoto: Buffalo in storm on the Maxwell Reserve
VWSPhoto: Rejected Buffalo in storm on the Maxwell Reserve
VWSPhoto: Elk in storm on the Maxwell Reserve