pbertner: Moulting huntsman spider
nickybay: Huntsman spider (Heteropoda sp.) - DSC_7346
ise_merc: Khazanah East Risedence #centipede #lipanbara #klgcc
Michael J. Barritt: 9cm long Centipede, Fogg Dam Conservation Reserve, 70kms east of Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia.
Sam kehimkar: scolopendra feeding on Purple rock crab 2
ray_nimmo: DSCF1115.JPG
Papilionoidea: centipedeMar202013
AJ Lynx: P1190125
hankplank: DSC_1468.jpg
Scott no idea: Crab on centipede 2
Voodoo Zebra: Centipede at Pua Mau Botanical Gardens
Simon Grove (TMAG): Westwood's green centipede Cormocephalus westwoodi
Scolomorph: Scolopendra viridicornis
Scolomorph: Scolopendra viridicornis
Thor Hakonsen: Macrovipera lebetina lebetina_
koumantis: Aromia moschata
Víctor Bao: Trithemis annulata - Libélula violeta - Explore
Kurt (OrionHerpAdventure.com): Limnonectes plicatellus_MG1363 stk copy
Vince_Adam Photography: Majestic Crested serpent eagle (Spilornis cheela malayensis ) soaring above us today
ManDuKinGs: Cicindela sachalinensis (Green type)
Radio Ga Ga Broadcasts Again: Stag beetles, Cyclommatus Metallifer, Males, just emerged from cocoons, ~65 and ~62 mm
Radio Ga Ga Broadcasts Again: Mecynorrhina ugandensis, larvae, L3 stage, 20g+
Radio Ga Ga Broadcasts Again: The red fox, vulpes vulpes.
cowyeow: Large Scaled Shieldtail (Uropeltis macrolepis)
andybadger: Venezillo parvus
i_am_subverted: Desert isopod
Wildreturn: We called these roly-poly bugs as kids - found under a log the other day...little miniature armadillos? Armadillidiidae (Pill Bugs, eh?)
Briana McCallay: DSC_0588