Jim Zenock: 204A9867_DxO
philippe.soriano: A Eurasian Wigeon (see accompanying photo)
Bryan J. Smith: CRESTERN 0679
Teruhide Tomori: Daurian redstart
faun070: Amagusa '23
faun070: Argentina '19
jasonmoore151: Carmine Bee-eater - Caprivi
xofred: Sooty Albatross (Phoebetria fusca)
Paul R Londraville: It Ain't Easy
Paul R Londraville: Woolgathering
Totem Art Photo: Tableau naturaliste de mare
Henry Aldridge: 20120316 - 05 Oriental Whip Snake, Ahaetulla prasina. These beautiful snakes trust their vine-like disguise will protect them, so much so that they may be approached very closely; venomous to geckos. Colubridae Serpentes. Singapore.
Kei Kei Law: 點玄灰蝶 Tongeia hainani (Bethune-Baker)
m.sijtsma66: Spreeuwenwolk / Starling flock
marcbenezech: bihoreau gris .
Bryan J. Smith: INDIMACA 6129
Teruhide Tomori: Warbling white-eye
John David Hutchison: Anna,s Hummingbird ( Male )
libertus.polling: Ramphocellus dimidiatus.
Joan Rigo Arnavat: Pluvialis squatarola
Teruhide Tomori: Daurian redstart
Teruhide Tomori: Daurian redstart
John David Hutchison: Red - breasted Nuthatch
Keeping Nature Tours: Oophaga solanensis - Koe-Koe
Totem Art Photo: Ambiance colorée au ras de la mare
Henry Aldridge: 20171229 - 20 Four-lined Tree Frog found in one of the many rare bromeliads of "Art and Garden", Penang, Malaysia. Polypedates leucomystax is also known as Golden Tree Frog for obvious reasons.
Henry Aldridge: 20180418 - 48 Vine Snake or Oriental Whip Snake, Ahaetulla prasina, circa 175cm. Whip thin. Colubrid.
Thomas Retterath: Under observation