vicki elmer72: Angus again. Just never gets boring for me ....
vicki elmer72: Hiding in plain sight .... Funky old building in downtown Corvallis ....
vicki elmer72: My morning companions ....
vicki elmer72: On my drive home from work ....
vicki elmer72: Oski and Angus exploring in the leaves .... If only they had opposable thumbs and could rake ....
vicki elmer72: Oski by the fire ....
vicki elmer72: "Um, dad, I'm at the table now .... Please share your mashed potatoes with me ...."
vicki elmer72: Another bit of Paris .... From the much loved "Dead Things Museum" .... @rriesenberg @pattichronert
vicki elmer72: Ollie and Oski
vicki elmer72: Outside Riley's cottage ....
vicki elmer72: Handmade cutting board by @rriesenberg .... Homegrown apples courtesy of @wamma8 and @erajeski37.
vicki elmer72: @rriesenberg picked some tree berries ....
vicki elmer72: My best pal .... Angus. He was looking exceptionally handsome today ....
vicki elmer72: Parisian pup ....
vicki elmer72: Angus and Oski wanted to share my morning toast with me ....
vicki elmer72: Paris ....