swezz: resting
swezz: white azaleas
swezz: blue azaleas
swezz: CatZilla
swezz: snoring
swezz: wtf
swezz: Sand Fossil
swezz: Tired
swezz: Posing
swezz: His Majesty
swezz: Azalea Pontica
swezz: We will miss you Arturo! 03/2010-13/04/2012
swezz: Boo
swezz: Peekaboo
swezz: Who's the boss?
swezz: Arturo e Silvestro
swezz: Tetris
swezz: Paradise
swezz: Resident Evil
swezz: Playful
swezz: What the xxxx
swezz: A pint of ginger ale, please
swezz: Walking
swezz: Piula, Keep Still, he's taking the picture
swezz: Talk To The Hand
swezz: Koi Angel Fish
swezz: Squids
swezz: Double Dragon
swezz: Enchanted Forest