Verdegris_Girl: Retro Vintage Desaturated_0177
Verdegris_Girl: Cell structure socks fini!
Verdegris_Girl: Cell Structure Sock
Verdegris_Girl: Lingonberry shawl progress
Verdegris_Girl: Lingonberry Unblocked
Verdegris_Girl: My sockhead hat
Verdegris_Girl: Jawoll Aktian
Verdegris_Girl: Kamal's fingerless mitts
Verdegris_Girl: Kamal's texting mitts are finished!
Verdegris_Girl: Lace swirl hat
Verdegris_Girl: My blueberry pie cowl
Verdegris_Girl: Fiona Button Scarf
Verdegris_Girl: My own swirl hat with Frog Tree Pediboo
Verdegris_Girl: My own swirl hat with Frog Tree Pediboo
Verdegris_Girl: Malabrigo Rios Yarn Colorway Piedras
Verdegris_Girl: Malabrigo Rios Yarn Colorway Lettuce
Verdegris_Girl: Brioche Cowl
Verdegris_Girl: Brioche Cowl ~ finished!
Verdegris_Girl: Dan's Socktopus
Verdegris_Girl: Dan's Socktopus
Verdegris_Girl: Socks for my love
Verdegris_Girl: Elphie socks