velton: Heidelburg Schloss - early 1970s
velton: 2025-02-09_10-29-02
velton: 2025-02-09_10-27-17
velton: Sale 1981
velton: 2025-02-09_01-00-48~4
velton: VW Camper in the Snow
velton: Bobby Lennox Statue
velton: Dblx snapseed
velton: Stonehaven May 1977
velton: P1010068 Marple 7-1977
velton: Glasgow City Free Church
velton: Money, money, money.....
velton: Pretty Woman
velton: North Ayrshire heritage centre
velton: The Salt Cot
velton: North Ayrshire heritage centre
velton: North Ayrshire heritage centre
velton: North Ayrshire heritage centre
velton: North Ayrshire heritage centre
velton: North Ayrshire heritage centre
velton: Erskine Church
velton: The train north leaving platform too
velton: Saltcoats Town Hall
velton: Saltcoats, the South beach abandoned road view towards Stevenston
velton: Saltcoats' Town Hall
velton: Shutters down at Saltcoats' Hank Marvins.. Friends passing by.. I hope they're not starving!
velton: Real Weather (2)
velton: Across to Ardrossan and what was the Barony church.
velton: All washed up
velton: Peeling Paint