Turnertower: πŸ’ƒ
Turnertower: Bonny day for a bit of Burma
Turnertower: Plenty bonny
Turnertower: Home to rainbows and heather! (And empty roads. Oh the empty, empty roads πŸ˜‚)
Turnertower: Looks so sneaky, whatever have you planned next Mr?
Turnertower: Stiorra, the White-tailed Sea Eagle
Turnertower: Cheese. I has an owl
Turnertower: Hairy hoon in the heather ☺️🐢
Turnertower: Straight bars and singletracks
Turnertower: The Lost World
V A N D E E: Rembrandt Style
V A N D E E: Beach Style
V A N D E E: Summertime
V A N D E E: In the Dark
まさ masami: 20220520_022_2
まさ masami: 20220519_002_2
まさ masami: 20210514_037_2
V A N D E E: Grayscale
V A N D E E: Double Vision
V A N D E E: Masks N' Roses
V A N D E E: Glancing Back
Evelyn Jensen-Little: Durham Cathedral
Evelyn Jensen-Little: The Plaid Piper
Evelyn Jensen-Little: Belsay Hall, Greek Revival Architecture
Evelyn Jensen-Little: A Host of Golden Daffodils
V A N D E E: Travel Selfie
V A N D E E: Glasses
V A N D E E: Hamburg