vanherdehaage: Jack checks out a passing motorcycle while enjoying ice cream
vanherdehaage: Note from Bryson
vanherdehaage: Jack says, that's how we do it
vanherdehaage: Success with the dominoes, then an oops for the over celebration
vanherdehaage: eyeball fun during snack time
vanherdehaage: Jack tried to pronounce his typing words
vanherdehaage: Rubber band shooting game (non-violent) but I missed it!
vanherdehaage: more safe rubber band shooting game -- 2 points for KaaKaa and 0 points for Jack
vanherdehaage: Bryson and Carol, from the "spy camera" by Jack age 4
vanherdehaage: Bryson and Carol, from the "spy camera" by Jack age 4
vanherdehaage: Bryson and Carol, from the "spy camera" by Jack age 4
vanherdehaage: Working together on the car race videogame
vanherdehaage: Crowd on the boat
vanherdehaage: Crowd on the boat
vanherdehaage: On the dock
vanherdehaage: On the dock
vanherdehaage: Floating in the lake
vanherdehaage: Carol and Bryson playing in the car
vanherdehaage: Jack and Bryson with the neo-Polaroid camera
vanherdehaage: Jack pretends to drive the car
vanherdehaage: Jack pretends to drive the car
vanherdehaage: Jack pretends to drive the car
vanherdehaage: Carol and Bryson playing in the car
vanherdehaage: Carol and Bryson playing in the car
vanherdehaage: Decor for the 50th Anniversary Party
vanherdehaage: Decor for the 50th Anniversary Party
vanherdehaage: Decor for the 50th Anniversary Party
vanherdehaage: What about Grandpa?
vanherdehaage: Bryson performs a backflip on the waterpad