ValK.: 20061013_001_Street Art_Nantes
ValK.: 20080223_001_Brouillard_Nantes
ValK.: 20080620_058_La terre appartient a nos enfants
ValK.: 20100117_054_les trois ages
ValK.: 20100117_092_invitation à la contemplation
ValK.: 20100317_005_la barbiniere resiste
ValK.: 2013-04-08-998_W_par_Val-K
ValK.: 20130908_001_Balade_au_Bateau_Lavoir_W_par_Val-K
ValK.: 20130908_007_Balade_au_Bateau_Lavoir_W_par_Val-K
ValK.: 20130908_009_Balade_au_Bateau_Lavoir_W_par_Val-K
ValK.: 20130908_012_Balade_au_Bateau_Lavoir_W_par_Val-K
ValK.: 20130908_017_Balade_au_Bateau_Lavoir_W_par_Val-K
ValK.: 20130908_233_Barbin_au_Bateau_Lavoir_w1024_par_ValK
ValK.: Tour de #Bretagne à #Nantes
ValK.: #Nantes
ValK.: #Nantes: No Airport #NDDL
ValK.: #Nantes l'été.
ValK.: #Nantes
ValK.: #Nantes. Exactement.
ValK.: Les raboteurs de nuit.
ValK.: Un sapin sorti d'une poubelle et la rue sourit !
ValK.: La #Nantes aux nantis...
ValK.: Soir...
ValK.: Dépôt sage autorisé.
ValK.: #Orage #Automne #Nantes #Autumn #Storm
ValK.: #Smile though your heart is aching
ValK.: #Smile even though it's breaking
ValK.: When there are clouds in the sky you'll get by. If you #smile through your fear and sorrow
ValK.: #Smile and maybe tomorrow You'll see the sun come shining through For you.
ValK.: Light up your face with gladness, Hide every trace of sadness. Although a tear may be ever so near That's the time you must keep on trying #Smile, what's the use of crying.