USFWS Mountain Prairie: Greenback Cutthroat
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Leadville National Fish Hatchery
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Green Cutthroat troat awaiting release
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Greenback cutthroat trout awaiting release
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Leadville National Fish Hatchery
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Leadville National Fish Hatchery
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Leadville National Fish Hatchery
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Fish Sampling in RMNP
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Looking for Greenbacks
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Looking for Greenbacks
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Electroshocking for Greenbacks
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Sampling for Greenback Cutthroat trout
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Zimmerman Lake
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Volunteers Guy Turrenne and Scott Kemp, FWS Fish Biologist Chris Kennedy, and National Park Service employee Molly conduct electrofishing survey on greenback cutthroat trout population on the Big Thompson River within Rocky Mountain National Park.
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Greenback Cutthroat trout country
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Sampling for Greenback Cutthroat trout
USFWS Mountain Prairie: GrCT Recovery Team
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Photographing Greenback cutthroat trout before release
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Leslie Ellwood releases Greenback cutthroat trout
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Leslie Ellwood with bucket of Greenback cutthroat trout
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Leslie Ellwood prepares to release Greenback cutthroat trout into Zimmerman Lake
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Leslie Ellwood (USFWS) releases Greenback cutthroat trout
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Fruits of their research
USFWS Mountain Prairie: The big release
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Electrofishing in Rocky Mountain National Park
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Leadville National Fish Hatchery
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Greenback eggs