USFWS Mountain Prairie: Zimmerman Lake
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Zimmerman-Cliffs
USFWS Mountain Prairie: GrCT Recovery Team
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Green Cutthroat troat awaiting release
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Greenback cutthroat trout awaiting release
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Photographing Greenback cutthroat trout before release
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Leslie Ellwood with bucket of Greenback cutthroat trout
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Leslie Ellwood prepares to release Greenback cutthroat trout into Zimmerman Lake
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Leslie Ellwood releases Greenback cutthroat trout
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Leslie Ellwood (USFWS) releases Greenback cutthroat trout
USFWS Mountain Prairie: Fruits of their research
USFWS Mountain Prairie: The big release