U.S. Indo-Pacific Command: The Secretary of the Navy Visits Indonesia
U.S. Indo-Pacific Command: Coastguardsmen conduct tactical small boat training in Pearl Harbor
U.S. Indo-Pacific Command: ROK and US Leaders Observe Training during KMEP 15
U.S. Indo-Pacific Command: ROK and US Marines Assault the Beach during KMEP 15 Exercise in South Korea
U.S. Indo-Pacific Command: Knight Hawks aboard USS John C. Stennis
U.S. Indo-Pacific Command: Leadership from Mongolia and USARPAC Meet during Gobi Wolf 2015
U.S. Indo-Pacific Command: ROK Air Force Decon Ops
U.S. Indo-Pacific Command: Knight Hawks at Sea
U.S. Indo-Pacific Command: Inside USS Green Bay
U.S. Indo-Pacific Command: ROK, US Marines Train in South Korea
U.S. Indo-Pacific Command: USS Bonhomme Richard, USS Green Bay Operate Near the ROK
U.S. Indo-Pacific Command: Marines conduct mass casualty exercise in Japan
U.S. Indo-Pacific Command: 25th Infantry Division Soldiers direct mortar fire on simulated hostile targets in Alaska
U.S. Indo-Pacific Command: US Navy Kicks Off Naval Engagement Activities with Vietnam
U.S. Indo-Pacific Command: US and ROK Marines conduct Close Quarters Battle Training
U.S. Indo-Pacific Command: USS Fitzgerald conducts replenishment-at-sea
U.S. Indo-Pacific Command: Sailors aboard the USS Chief operate a mine neutralization vehicle during Foal Eagle
U.S. Indo-Pacific Command: US Secretary of the Navy meeting with defense leaders in Malaysia
U.S. Indo-Pacific Command: Soldiers conduct live-fire training in Alaska
U.S. Indo-Pacific Command: US Secretary of Defense and Japanese Defense Minister discuss issues in Tokyo
U.S. Indo-Pacific Command: Sailors conduct general quarters drill on USS George Washington in Japan
U.S. Indo-Pacific Command: Sailors conduct mine sweeping training in waters south of the Korean peninsula
U.S. Indo-Pacific Command: Super Puma helicopter conducts vertical replenishment over South China Sea
U.S. Indo-Pacific Command: Secretary of the Navy recognizes Sailors during Naval Engagement Activity Vietnam
U.S. Indo-Pacific Command: Marine snipers conduct high angle shooting training in Hawaii
U.S. Indo-Pacific Command: Philippine and U.S. military forces build classrooms together during Exercise Balikatan
U.S. Indo-Pacific Command: CH-53 Super Stallion helicopters land on USS Essex during certification exercise in the Pacific Ocean