Isabelle Sauvageot: Fleurs en papier. 24x30 cm
artisnottheend: 1_IMG_2576bearb Kopie
fusion-of-horizons: Carlo Scarpa - Negozio Olivetti, Venice
fusion-of-horizons: Carlo Scarpa - Negozio Olivetti, Venice
Isabelle Sauvageot: Bol, fruits secs
hragv: Mmuseumm in the alley
aestheticsofcrisis: Riot octopus
tim lowly: A work by Kathleen Mercado in "The Marketplace of Mysteries" at NPU in Chicago
tim lowly: mark ottens @ npu
girando na renda: Minerals of the world
maaikelauwaert: Nasrin Tabatabai & Babak Afrassiabi
maaikelauwaert: Patrick Killoran
kate*: Finally.
Mel Andringa: Donald Judd Desk
kek szakallu: DSC_7542
Public Collectors: Psychology_for_the_Curious5
Public Collectors: tumblr_m773h9uZjP1r40d80o1_400
{studiobeerhorst}-bbmarie: Non objective Painting
*Corrie*: Autumn Flames
kate*: Preview copy of my new journal. Out in December from Princeton Architectural Press. It smells good too, but I would advise against eating it.
rnv123: Knot
Paul Germanos: Sabina Ott @ LVL3
kate*: Any takers on @jgspdx's keyboard?
dannebrog: Wired at sunrise
*Corrie*: Plop Art
Roadsidepictures: Cash For Cars
k_hargrav: Yoohoo for luck