unforth: New York Botanical Garden Library
unforth: Lillian Goldman Fountain of Life (1905)
unforth: Lillian Goldman Fountain of Life (1905)
unforth: Yellow and Red Chrysanthemums
unforth: Pink Chrysanthemums
unforth: People Admiring the Moore Sculpture
unforth: Japanese Beautyberry
unforth: Japanese Beautyberry
unforth: Daylily "Rosy Returns"
unforth: Working Model for Standing Figure: Knife Edge
unforth: Nerve Plant "White Brocade"
unforth: Friendship Plant "Moon Valley"
unforth: Mist in the Conservatory Garden
unforth: Orange Tropical Flower
unforth: Uparo (?)
unforth: Anthurium Longipeltatum
unforth: Pachystachys Lutea
unforth: Chocolate Tree
unforth: Chocolate Tree
unforth: Pavonia Cauliflora
unforth: Cubanola Dominguensis
unforth: Calathea Loeseneri
unforth: Calathea Loeseneri
unforth: Brunfelsia Pilosa
unforth: Brunfelsia Pilosa
unforth: Tropical Waterlily "Daubeniana"
unforth: Mysore Clockvine
unforth: Mysore Clockvine
unforth: Tropical Waterlily
unforth: String Lily or Swamp Lily