mtbfozzybear: DSCF0188
mtbfozzybear: Another Airport..... One thing stays the same!
mtbfozzybear: My Room window
mtbfozzybear: My Room window
mtbfozzybear: My Room window at night
mtbfozzybear: Landing in Barcalona
mtbfozzybear: Landing in Barcalona
mtbfozzybear: Landing in Barcalona
mtbfozzybear: Landing in Barcalona
mtbfozzybear: Landing in Barcalona
mtbfozzybear: Landing in Barcalona
mtbfozzybear: Landing in Barcalona
mtbfozzybear: Landing in Barcalona
mtbfozzybear: Landing in Barcalona
mtbfozzybear: Landing in Barcalona
mtbfozzybear: Landing in Barcalona
mtbfozzybear: UK coast - no idea where
mtbfozzybear: UK coast - no idea where
mtbfozzybear: Mid flight over the UK
mtbfozzybear: Mid flight over the UK
mtbfozzybear: Mid flight over the UK
mtbfozzybear: Mid flight over the UK
mtbfozzybear: Mid flight over the UK
mtbfozzybear: Mid flight over the UK
mtbfozzybear: Mid flight over the UK
mtbfozzybear: Mid flight over the UK
mtbfozzybear: Coventry Airport - If you want to call it that!
mtbfozzybear: Hotel - Barcalona
mtbfozzybear: Hotel - Barcalona
mtbfozzybear: DSCF0192