UCL News: The 2014 Lancet Lecture – The half-life of caste: The ill-health of a nation
UCL News: The 2014 Lancet Lecture – The half-life of caste: The ill-health of a nation
UCL News: The 2014 Lancet Lecture – The half-life of caste: The ill-health of a nation
UCL News: The 2014 UCL Lancet Lecture: The half-life of caste. Photographer: Kirsten Holst
UCL News: The 2014 Lancet Lecture – The half-life of caste: The ill-health of a nation
UCL News: The 2014 Lancet Lecture – The half-life of caste: The ill-health of a nation
UCL News: The 2014 Lancet Lecture – The half-life of caste: The ill-health of a nation
UCL News: The 2014 Lancet Lecture – The half-life of caste: The ill-health of a nation
UCL News: The 2014 Lancet Lecture – The half-life of caste: The ill-health of a nation
UCL News: The 2014 Lancet Lecture – The half-life of caste: The ill-health of a nation
UCL News: The 2014 Lancet Lecture – The half-life of caste: The ill-health of a nation
UCL News: The 2014 Lancet Lecture – The half-life of caste: The ill-health of a nation
UCL News: The 2014 Lancet Lecture – The half-life of caste: The ill-health of a nation
UCL News: The 2014 Lancet Lecture – The half-life of caste: The ill-health of a nation
UCL News: The 2014 Lancet Lecture – The half-life of caste: The ill-health of a nation