Tysasi: Dark and Gloomy as I pass the Army Corp of Engineers base
Tysasi: The approach lights are on at PDX
Tysasi: A UP freight heads west as I head north
Tysasi: Approaching Pleasant Home
Tysasi: The dividing line between Multnomah & Clackamas
Tysasi: The clouds split apart and it begins to get sunny
Tysasi: A fancy horsebarn on Bluff Road (1)
Tysasi: A fancy horsebarn on Bluff Road (2)
Tysasi: Mount Hood is hidden behind the clouds
Tysasi: Donut delivery vehicle
Tysasi: At Joe's, ready to return home with half a dozen donuts
Tysasi: Sailing along the Springwater Trail in Gresham
Tysasi: Little Gambolling Lambs™
Tysasi: Llewellyn Project Bike
Tysasi: Llewellyn Shiromoto