Tysasi: the orhf enginehouse
Tysasi: Mount Hood peeks through the trees
Tysasi: Mount Hood looms on the horizon
Tysasi: Here comes the #30 bus!
Tysasi: 17th & Powell is closed for the forseeable future
Tysasi: A horrible detour off 17th
Tysasi: A lot of water is coming over the Faraday dam
Tysasi: Clackamas whitewater
Tysasi: Grinding south under mainly sunny skies
Tysasi: Ripplebrook MLCM
Tysasi: Ripplebrook Dust Mite
Tysasi: The MLCM rests under the second bridge
Tysasi: The second bridge, just moments before I slipped, dropped the camera into the Clackamas, and, en passant, ripped off a couple of my fingernails (ouch)