Tysasi: The bagmaker's form
Tysasi: the label on the french rando bag
Tysasi: 3 speeds and an actual historical french rando bag
Tysasi: Vertical light mount boss for an Axa light+usb power supply
Tysasi: Adding a di2 battery mount to the gravel©™® bike's front rack
Tysasi: everything to fix the kitchen sink
Tysasi: Less of a tight squeeze than it looks
Tysasi: Exercise bike
Tysasi: long boi
Tysasi: s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d hoverrack
Tysasi: Purple rando bag mockup, #3
Tysasi: Shiny (2)
Tysasi: Load test
Tysasi: The Dust Mite seal of approval
Tysasi: ogre combination rack, #5 (with a pair of Axiom panniers)
Tysasi: ogre combination rack, #4 (lower hook peg)
Tysasi: ogre combination rack, #3 (upper hooks on a North Street mini-pannier)
Tysasi: ogre combination rack, #2 (with North Street mini-panniers)
Tysasi: ogre combination rack, #1 (everything brazed on, so I hope that the dimensions I was given are correct)
Tysasi: Combination rack with axiom panniers test-fitted
Tysasi: rack + fork + pannier mounts, #7
Tysasi: rack + fork + pannier mounts, #6
Tysasi: rack + fork + pannier mounts, #5
Tysasi: rack + fork + pannier mounts, #4
Tysasi: rack + fork + pannier mounts, #3
Tysasi: rack + fork + pannier mounts, #2
Tysasi: rack + fork + pannier mounts, #1
Tysasi: Surly Ogre combination rack (mainly glued together)
Tysasi: Watching the paint dry
Tysasi: A hoverrack for a Velo Orange Polyvalent