Tyrone (Ty) Williams: Bristol Open Top Double Decker
Tyrone (Ty) Williams: Bristol Badge
Tyrone (Ty) Williams: Ongoing project
Tyrone (Ty) Williams: You can see it was a bus
Tyrone (Ty) Williams: This is the project; to source the parts will take time
Tyrone (Ty) Williams: Cab and front end and engine...as yet missing
Tyrone (Ty) Williams: Vast Spacious museum (most buses are out)
Tyrone (Ty) Williams: N&C (Neath and Cardiff) Express Coach
Tyrone (Ty) Williams: Some work needed
Tyrone (Ty) Williams: Beautiful luxury coach
Tyrone (Ty) Williams: I call these "Land Tugs"
Tyrone (Ty) Williams: Scammell three wheeled workhorse
Tyrone (Ty) Williams: A few advisories on MOT
Tyrone (Ty) Williams: This shows the amount of work undertaken to restore to working order
Tyrone (Ty) Williams: Like the tug in the sea, these were the workhorses towing in confined spaces
Tyrone (Ty) Williams: Can't wait to see this restored
Tyrone (Ty) Williams: Scammell showing engine
Tyrone (Ty) Williams: I beleive this to be a 1959 Land Rover recovery pickup
Tyrone (Ty) Williams: This Land Rover Recovery Truck sports current road tax, so I assume it only awaits bodywork and livery etc.
Tyrone (Ty) Williams: A bus gets a lift from a massive jack
Tyrone (Ty) Williams: Buses in all kinds of condition are in this working museum
Tyrone (Ty) Williams: Double Decker waits its turn
Tyrone (Ty) Williams: Bus awaiting rebuild to join the others
Tyrone (Ty) Williams: Swansea Bus Museum display
Tyrone (Ty) Williams: London Bus Breakdown Tender
Tyrone (Ty) Williams: London Bus Breakdown Tender
Tyrone (Ty) Williams: Immaculate Coachwork
Tyrone (Ty) Williams: Rear of the London Bus Breakdown Tender
Tyrone (Ty) Williams: Interior of the London Bus Breakdown Tender