EclipseTuliphead: microbrew
EclipseTuliphead: mmm hellbenders
EclipseTuliphead: two for me, one for you
EclipseTuliphead: master mixologist
EclipseTuliphead: moose is staggered by the line of hellbenders
EclipseTuliphead: line of happy
EclipseTuliphead: line em up, knock em down
EclipseTuliphead: Ye Olde Snot Otter, Est. 2008
EclipseTuliphead: blue curacao marg
EclipseTuliphead: happy to be at the bar
EclipseTuliphead: skeptical
EclipseTuliphead: Math is hard, let's get drunk
EclipseTuliphead: these brews won't turn you into a newt
EclipseTuliphead: eat. sleep. herpetology.