electreelife2012: the beauty and the tree.
electreelife2012: View from flower of life stage.
electreelife2012: Solar market place(connected to flower stage)
electreelife2012: View from the nicest shady platform directly to main stage.
electreelife2012: Right end of lake
electreelife2012: view from camp.
electreelife2012: Tree of life main floor.
electreelife2012: miss it allready.
electreelife2012: Vast landscapes.
electreelife2012: Location map.
electreelife2012: Festival map.
electreelife2012: Flower of life stage.
electreelife2012: connect to the beauty of creation.
electreelife2012: Friendly ppl all the way.
electreelife2012: Izmir airport.
electreelife2012: Look for Tree of Life staff for shuttels.
electreelife2012: take a deep relaxing breath.
electreelife2012: breaking the ice.
electreelife2012: are we there yet?
electreelife2012: 800 above sea level.
electreelife2012: Road to festival
electreelife2012: The tree of wishes.
electreelife2012: TMX making a wish.
electreelife2012: Road to location.
electreelife2012: Springtree of wishes.
electreelife2012: Yes its amazing.
electreelife2012: View from izmir.
electreelife2012: Are you lost?