Morning stories in mismatched jammies to the boy who partied all night. (And I mean ALL NIGHT OMG)
When I decided to hand sew 2 new stockings using annoying little vintage kits 3 weeks before Christmas, why the hell didn't anyone try to stop me?
The bounty at my favorite place in MA (the Cambridge Antique Market) was amazing today. Paint by numbers! 70s string art! Vintage Finnish tapestries!
Well, these will now be my footwear for the next 5 months straight. #f*******ck #newengland #bringit #itsalreadybeenbrought-en
Just finished piecing my first large-size quilt top. Nothing has ever sated my OCD as much.
I organized Lotte's room so she can reach all her clothes and can now dress herself every morning. What up stripes and cheetah socks and tu-tu!
Someone is having her very first McDonald's because mama is having the kind of day where she just doesn't give a f*ck. #wewilleatkaleforweeks #sorrynotsorry
When you let your 5 year old pick out the tree, you can be sure she'll pick the straggliest, craziest one available.