@takumi: ちいさな靴下
*sapa*: tremor
*sapa*: for everything there is a season...
*sapa*: she never quite understood how it was that she couldn't fly
*sapa*: into the night
aussiegall: Suspended animation
maiptitfleur: Petit Amour deviendra grand...
maiptitfleur: Je fais tomber les coeurs plus vite que mon ombre...
*sapa*: beauty school drop out
maiptitfleur: Un coeur de Rose...Rose's heart
maiptitfleur: La tendresse tout simplement...
maiptitfleur: Le Buisson Charmant...
comolebi*: 滝の妖精
@takumi: my cat #82
satoshi ✿: Gerbera
@takumi: Resting
* Yumi *: colorful hearts
* Yumi *: waterdrop art #6
* Yumi *: waterdrop art #5
* Yumi *: splash of light