tonicito: train reflection (+1)
tonicito: mediterranean winter grill
tonicito: double sink
tonicito: reading in the sun
tonicito: remember summer
tonicito: playground dandelions (14/52)
tonicito: minimalistic trash can at the beach
tonicito: rocking chair (35/52)
tonicito: long toddler exposure
tonicito: winter tree redux
tonicito: pine tree 2014 redux
tonicito: after breakfast
tonicito: shore
tonicito: sunrise
tonicito: winter sunset light in mediterranean woods
tonicito: waves on expired film
tonicito: perspective
tonicito: peace of mind
tonicito: at the beach
tonicito: film transport issues
tonicito: by the sea
tonicito: blinding mediterranean
tonicito: expired shore