zara-photos: Decree
Mark Preston Ashton: The Sage, Tyne Bridge & Millenium Bridge
die Augen: MACRO of snow flake
die Augen: Decorated weel of a wagon (carreta), Costa Rica
bran10: dog makes split decision (film)
bran10: quiet walk together under the pier (film)
Marcela McGreal: The American Wing
Adrien Poncet-Montanges: Severn wonders bedouin camp before sunrise, Petra, Jordan
Marcela McGreal: Pell Street
BautistaNY: No Justice, No Peace
BautistaNY: Treasure Map
ushamenard: Zebras by Usha Menard
BautistaNY: Liberty
Mark Preston Ashton: Christmas Tree
Sas & Rikske: Zanzibar Door II
Marcela McGreal: The Beautiful Bronx
__Bentom Wyemji__: Back to those days - Sereine Burano