tofuguns: Monkey Wrench Gang Practicing an NSX
tofuguns: Carter At UW
tofuguns: Paul Allen Center at UW
tofuguns: Robotic Hand
tofuguns: Haptic Arm - At Rest
tofuguns: Carter capturing the Moment
tofuguns: Haptic Arm - UW Neurobotics Lab
tofuguns: Yoky Matsuoka at the UW Neurobotics Lab
tofuguns: Haptic Arm - Amazed Kids
tofuguns: Robotic Hand - Lots of Motion
tofuguns: University Of Washington Neurobotics Laboratory
tofuguns: Motion Capture at the UW Neurobotics Lab
tofuguns: Desk in the UW Neurobotics Laboratory
tofuguns: Gatewood Robotics Club and the UW Neurobotics Lab Faculty
tofuguns: Lot of Brains in the UW Neurobotics Lab
tofuguns: Lego Mindstorms Robotic Hand