Tiny Bites: Eating dinner like a big girl
Tiny Bites: Playing with her food like a silly girl
Tiny Bites: Laughing at Daddy
Tiny Bites: Dress-up time
Tiny Bites: Fully attired
Tiny Bites: Admiring her reflection
Tiny Bites: Kate just peeks out from behind the foot of snow on the lawn.
Tiny Bites: Kate discovers how cold it is to eat snow.
Tiny Bites: Kate, meet snow. Snow, meet Kate.
Tiny Bites: Kate eats snow. Luckily, it wasn't yellow.
Tiny Bites: Temporary souvenir from the Calgary Zoo.
Tiny Bites: Kate and Auntie Karen.
Tiny Bites: Caught in the act.
Tiny Bites: Showing off her new bag and barrettes.
Tiny Bites: Washing dishes with Auntie Mel and Uncle Andy.
Tiny Bites: kateyear1to2_2011-03-29__MG_2805
Tiny Bites: "Luke, only you can destroy the Emperor. He has foreseen this. It is your destiny. Join me, and together we can rule the galaxy..."
Tiny Bites: Baby spikes
Tiny Bites: Apple snacking
Tiny Bites: Blogging apprentice
Tiny Bites: Tunnel vision
Tiny Bites: White heat
Tiny Bites: La vie en rose
Tiny Bites: Tunnel vision 4
Tiny Bites: Haute enfant
Tiny Bites: Tunnel vision 3
Tiny Bites: Glasses on...