Tiny Bites: Sifting together the dry ingredients
Tiny Bites: Prepping the eggs
Tiny Bites: "Beating the whites"
Tiny Bites: Sifting dry ingredients into egg batter
Tiny Bites: Layers of baby
Tiny Bites: Flesh-coloured buttercream
Tiny Bites: Slathering on the blood (jam)
Tiny Bites: Slathering on the blood (jam)
Tiny Bites: Shaping the fetus
Tiny Bites: Shaping the fetus
Tiny Bites: Does this look like baby to you?
Tiny Bites: I'm not the only photo nut in the family
Tiny Bites: What a cute little fetus!
Tiny Bites: Cake, angle 2
Tiny Bites: Cake, angle 3
Tiny Bites: Baby, up close
Tiny Bites: Fully realized baby cake on silver platter
Tiny Bites: Our toast to immortality
Tiny Bites: Head trauma?
Tiny Bites: Blood (wine)