Tiny Bites: Canteloupe drink
Tiny Bites: Breakfast in Bothell
Tiny Bites: Obligatory Space Needle shot
Tiny Bites: Sights around Seattle Center
Tiny Bites: Sights around Seattle Center
Tiny Bites: Sights around Seattle Center
Tiny Bites: Sights around Seattle Center
Tiny Bites: Sights around Seattle Center
Tiny Bites: Mother and daughter
Tiny Bites: Sights around Seattle Center
Tiny Bites: Seattle Fudge: making taffy
Tiny Bites: Pacific Science Center
Tiny Bites: Park time
Tiny Bites: Sights around Seattle Center
Tiny Bites: Portraits against the Space Needle with a 50mm lens
Tiny Bites: Portraits against the Space Needle with a 50mm lens
Tiny Bites: Portraits against the Space Needle with a 50mm lens
Tiny Bites: Portraits against the Space Needle with a 50mm lens
Tiny Bites: Portraits against the Space Needle with a 50mm lens
Tiny Bites: They do love their Ichiro
Tiny Bites: El Camino: storefront
Tiny Bites: Inside El Camino
Tiny Bites: Inside El Camino
Tiny Bites: Inside El Camino
Tiny Bites: El Camino: tostones con guacomole
Tiny Bites: El Camino: ensalada verde
Tiny Bites: El Camino: tacos de carne asada
Tiny Bites: Inside El Camino
Tiny Bites: Les amis: storefront
Tiny Bites: Les amis: storefront