Tiny Bites: Filipino BBQ goodness: the spread
Tiny Bites: Filipino BBQ goodness: palitaw (coconut jellies?)
Tiny Bites: Filipino BBQ goodness: cassava cake
Tiny Bites: Filipino BBQ goodness: skewers of chicken wing
Tiny Bites: Filipino BBQ goodness: puto (rice muffins)
Tiny Bites: Kumar mugs for the camera
Tiny Bites: Kumar and iKaren
Tiny Bites: The BBQ revellers
Tiny Bites: Bruce
Tiny Bites: Heman
Tiny Bites: Looking out to the Burrard Inlet
Tiny Bites: The hostest with the mostest
Tiny Bites: The happy couple (trio?)
Tiny Bites: Keg, Karen, Tracey, Grover
Tiny Bites: Kumar, Tracey, Grover, Keg, Bruce