Tiny Bites: AGRO Cafe: single origin coffee, tart, storefront
Tiny Bites: AGRO Cafe: cafe latte
Tiny Bites: AGRO Cafe: latte, panini, decor
Tiny Bites: AGRO Cafe: breakfast bagel
Tiny Bites: AGRO Cafe: apple strudel
Tiny Bites: AGRO Cafe: poppyseed tart
Tiny Bites: AGRO Cafe: a cup of Clover
Tiny Bites: AGRO Cafe: poppyseed tart and coffee
Tiny Bites: AGRO Cafe: my Blogathon workstation
Tiny Bites: AGRO Cafe: oven-roasted turkey panini with cranberries
Tiny Bites: Blogathon 2008: Steve visits me on the campaign trail