TinaJan: #peaches #peachesforme #peachtree
TinaJan: #recolor #recolorapp too bad not everything is free w the app, but #adultcoloring #adultcoloringbook stuff is still pretty awesome as an app. :) super relaxing πŸ‘©β€πŸŽ¨
TinaJan: Tried #recolor today hehe #unikitty #rainbow
TinaJan: Feeling sick and staying home and watching #undercoverboss Anyone else cry at the end of these episodes? 😭or is it just me when I'm sick?
TinaJan: #berlinwall @rejenniferh @megmcmuffin99 @dragonends
TinaJan: #rumballs and #passionfruit icecream
TinaJan: #haderslev has the cutest buildings :)
TinaJan: #porkknuckle and #dumplings #hofbrauberlin #hofbrauhaus #hofbrau
TinaJan: Freezing beautiful beach by #haderslev #denmark
TinaJan: #berlinbear #berlinbears
TinaJan: #lockedupabroad @rejenniferh #berlinwall #berlin #germany
TinaJan: Remnants of the #berlinwall with @megmcmuffin99 #berlin #germany
TinaJan: #sachsenhausen #concentrationcamp #berlin #germany this was one of the first concentration camps in germany. It is truly horrifying what humans can do to each other repeatedly, by the millions. The acts and subsequent lies that were perpetrated here are d
TinaJan: Prob my fav pic from our cruiseline #ferry ride! #scandlines #gedser #rostock
TinaJan: #copenhagen #gastropub style
TinaJan: #daffodils
TinaJan: The #berlin gang
TinaJan: upload
TinaJan: Touring #berlin today! Sporting my #pikachu #pokemon #scarf heh heh The weather here is pretty awesome.
TinaJan: Waffle with peanut butter, celery, and marmalade #denmark #copenhagen
TinaJan: Hehe my awesome travel buddies. :)
TinaJan: #tivoli #copenhagen #denmark
TinaJan: #trainstation #copenhagen #denmark
TinaJan: I found a #hobbithouse ;) #taastrup #copenhagen #denmark
TinaJan: 3 types of #herrings #herefordhouse #copenhagen #nyhavn #denmark
TinaJan: #rosenborgcastle #copenhagen #denmark
TinaJan: #nyhavn #lovelocks #copenhagen #denmark
TinaJan: #copenhagen #denmark
TinaJan: #copenhagen #denmark
TinaJan: #azaleas #kongenshave #copenhagen #denmark