timfl2448: Harbor Seal pups
timfl2448: Harbor Seal pups
timfl2448: Macaw
timfl2448: Macaws
timfl2448: Macaws
timfl2448: Red Fox
timfl2448: Red Fox
timfl2448: Red Fox
timfl2448: Bobcat
timfl2448: Bobcat
timfl2448: Bobcat
timfl2448: Great Grey Owl
timfl2448: California quail
timfl2448: Black Oystercatcher
timfl2448: Jaguar
timfl2448: Jaguar
timfl2448: Jaguar
timfl2448: Jaguar
timfl2448: White Pelicans (Blue dacnis (Dacnis cayana))
timfl2448: Sea Otter on beach
timfl2448: Greater Ahite-fronted Geese
timfl2448: Male Northern Harrier hunting in Shollenberger Park, Petaluma, California
timfl2448: Male Northern Harrier soars above a marsh
timfl2448: Female northern harrier hunting low to the ground.
timfl2448: Wood ducks (Aix sponsa)
timfl2448: Black phoebe (Sayornis nigricans)
timfl2448: Andean Cock-of-the-rock
timfl2448: Chaco chachalaca
timfl2448: Plush-crested jay
timfl2448: Blue-and-green macaws