threephin: Starbuck!
threephin: Actually, Coal
threephin: Starbuck!
threephin: Coal!
threephin: Starbuck! And Coal!
threephin: Starbuck!
threephin: jump
threephin: starbuck
threephin: jump
threephin: attack!
threephin: attack!
threephin: backlit
threephin: run
threephin: play with me?
threephin: snooty
threephin: olde tyme starbucke
threephin: flooooood
threephin: lethargy
threephin: you're running to the corner store?
threephin: can you tell them apart?
threephin: Coal!
threephin: Neo
threephin: Neo
threephin: sunbug!
threephin: Neo
threephin: Neo
threephin: pups
threephin: pups
threephin: starbuck's ryde, yo
threephin: starbuck and onslo