thotro79: evening mood
thotro79: Unsere Wahrzeichen
thotro79: Auerbach im Vogtland
thotro79: Industrieruine
thotro79: Unser Wahrzeichen
thotro79: Vogtland Arena
thotro79: Vogtland Arena
thotro79: Vogtland Arena
thotro79: Vogtland Arena
thotro79: Vogtland Arena
thotro79: Vogtland Arena
thotro79: Vogtland Arena
thotro79: Vogtland Arena
thotro79: Nachtruhe
thotro79: star trails by the water tower
thotro79: Herbstfeld
thotro79: Eisbaum
thotro79: Eisbaum
thotro79: above the roofs
thotro79: night sky and sunrise over Auerbach
thotro79: before the rain
thotro79: Highlands
thotro79: uphill
thotro79: Night Enduro Race Schöneck
thotro79: polare Zeiten nahen...
thotro79: on trees and birds and fire
thotro79: dog portrait
thotro79: Talsperre Falkenstein
thotro79: lost Place