thompshow: Taittinger Nutcracker
thompshow: a little snow at Pittock
thompshow: petals & raindrops
thompshow: kayak
thompshow: coleus capture
thompshow: at the river
thompshow: this is the life
thompshow: blue hours
thompshow: kite
thompshow: Sealife Tower
thompshow: going there
thompshow: droop
thompshow: paint story
thompshow: fenced-in flowers
thompshow: desire of the wandering
thompshow: the green wall
thompshow: summon
thompshow: twilight
thompshow: Chihuly
thompshow: revolving
thompshow: the water's fine
thompshow: summer afternoon
thompshow: lightbulbs & leaves
thompshow: morning Heights
thompshow: a woman's intuition
thompshow: alternate take
thompshow: spirit seal
thompshow: world in blue
thompshow: sunflowers, summer of '22, near dusk