thingamijig: Best Blue Feathers
thingamijig: Levitation
thingamijig: The natural function of the wing is to soar upwards and carry that which is heavy up to the place where dwells the race of gods. More than any other thing that partakes of the nature of the divine.
thingamijig: I'm not speaking to you either!
thingamijig: Bath Time
thingamijig: "Plop The Owl"
thingamijig: Who Are You?
thingamijig: Permission For Take Off?
thingamijig: Heron and Dog
thingamijig: Barn Owl Belle
thingamijig: Mr & Mrs Robin
thingamijig: "Belle"
thingamijig: Mirror Image
thingamijig: T'wit & T'woo
thingamijig: 4 Geese.........4 Legs
thingamijig: Take Off!
thingamijig: Not Too Near the Edge!
thingamijig: a parliament of owls
thingamijig: This is my best side!
thingamijig: Whispery White Wednesday...
thingamijig: "The Stare"
thingamijig: Happy Bithday Chloe
thingamijig: I Spy With My Little Eye.....
thingamijig: Henny-Penny Or Chicken -Licken?
thingamijig: The Trouble With Tribbles.....
thingamijig: Doh...Ray...Me...Far...So...La...Te...Doh...
thingamijig: Ride A White Swan.....
thingamijig: Mmmmm, I think it's time for a pedicure!!!
thingamijig: You should have seen the one that got away!!!
thingamijig: It was the year my Aunt Clara went to visit her cousin. Now, her cousin was not only gifted on the glockenspiel, but being a screech owl, also sang soprano in the London Opera.