Wicked Dark Photography: Sphagnum bog galerina
Wicked Dark Photography: Rhodocollybia maculata
Wicked Dark Photography: Tylopilus felleus
Wicked Dark Photography: Even without a crown
Wicked Dark Photography: Dry your tears
Wicked Dark Photography: Trumpeter pair
Wicked Dark Photography: Power thrusters operational
Wicked Dark Photography: Under threatening skies
Wicked Dark Photography: You think this is easy?
Wicked Dark Photography: Vivid reminder
Wicked Dark Photography: Xysticus ferox
Wicked Dark Photography: Lycoperdon perlatum
Wicked Dark Photography: Mycena subcaerulea
Wicked Dark Photography: Marasmius capillaris
Wicked Dark Photography: Hygrocybe miniata
Wicked Dark Photography: Making a good impression
Wicked Dark Photography: Mycena epipterygia var. lignicola
Wicked Dark Photography: My little mystery
Wicked Dark Photography: Tippler's bane
Wicked Dark Photography: Above the Crowd
Wicked Dark Photography: Daydream portal
Wicked Dark Photography: Nowhere to go, but up
Wicked Dark Photography: Nameless Church